Roger McGough, Luke Wright and an Open Mic at Glastonbury 2024

We have had some brilliant performances in this sunny Glastonbury Saturday! We have had some legendary faces and some samples from future legends.

Roger McGough

The legendary Roger McGough joined us on the Poetry&Words stage. If you think McGough is slowing down think again, he published a new book yesterday and joined us today for a brilliant performance with a full Poetry&Words tent. Kicking off with the poem ‘In case of fire break glass’ McGough connected with the audience immediately. Even connecting in with a drumbeat from a nearby tent too.

With quickfire poems such as ‘Conservative Party – Unemployment … (figures)’ kept the act breezing by. Discussing the balance between being a writer and performer, McGough states he loves being on stage but doesn’t like being watched by people (due to a difficult past of winning a bonnie baby competition) but since then his performance career has never stopped. ‘The skills have done me well over the years’ he says of his time in the bonnie baby competition, coming from one of the most accomplished poets alive.

McGough jumps between poems and stories to the delight of the audience. He notes the best thing about being famous is when people notice you on the street, and bump into things. He shares stories of meetings with Bob Dylan and King Philip. He jokes to the audience that good artists are meant to live fast and die young and he has unfortunately failed at this. Within this performance it is only the time you could associate the word failure. It was wildly entertaining, witty, you could feel years of stage presence, talent and fun flow through the packed tent!  

McGough pictured with one of our other phenomenal headline acts Mr John Hegley.

Luke Wright

Luke Wright comes on stage with an instant Rockstar energy. Delivering poems from his new show ‘Joy’ he blurs the line between poet and big band front man. Oozing confidence and skill he states in his opening line ‘you can’t just put down anything though this poems make it seem you can’ critiquing his own work mid flow as only a poet 100% confident in their own work can do. A consistent opener for Dr John Cooper Clarke, Wright knows how to work an audience and make sure they are having a high energy, high fun festival experience.

He continues with ‘Bard Wars’ a poem that limits itself by have the letter ‘A’ as the only vowel used in the entire poem. Showing off the skill to match the substance, while still being funny and engaging a trend that continues through the full set. Luke Wright has been a Glastonbury regular for over two decades and you need to go see him if you have not yet. Have the experience of poetry through the energy of a rock concert.

Open Mic

Finally I want to give a quick shoutout to our brilliant open mic performers.

Wonderfully presented by AFLO the open mic highlighted some hidden poetic gems from the Glastonbury audience. New voices, strong voices and possibly future Poetry&Words headliners we were treated to a wide selection of style and stories. Thank you for being part of our Glastonbury experience this year!

This years open mic performers were Rochelle, Megan, Ed, James, Hazel, Ayana, Mike, I Murpheous, Charlie, and Lucy.

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